After over 40 years in a bad relationship that had not been working for some time, I finally decided to leave. The best advice received from numerous friends was to contact Sheila Cameron for a consultation.  You get what you pay for is an old saying and in this case it is true.   I felt that the value I received was worth every cent I paid.

My first meeting was very relaxed even though my knees were knocking from fear the process.  Sheila and her staff put me at ease like long time friends.  This continued throughout the process.  When Sheila gave me advice on what options were available, I knew what she was telling me came from a voice of experience.  Sheila was always prepared for meetings and court appointments and she always took my safety into account.  My questions were answered quickly and satisfactorily each time. 

Sheila and her team made the most traumatic experience of my life much easier then I would have ever expected and I certainly would recommend Tandem Law to anyone requiring the assistance of a solicitor.” - Debbie